Everything Infuriating About Jermichael Finley in Six Seconds

It's hard not to have mixed feelings on one Jermichael Finley. On one hand, he's supremely physically gifted, blessed with a skill set that should guarantee a long and successful NFL career. On the other , he's brash and loud, and seems to go out of his way to use his amazing talents in the least efficient way possible. That brings us to this video:


Seeing that tweet (or Vine or whatever the precise terminology is) from Tyler Dunne at work today I almost scoffed out loud. Here's Jermichael Finley plucking balls out of the air with an almost arrogant ease.  The JUGS machine launches footballs at your face at approximately 1000 miles an hour (I said approximately), yet here's Finley, gathering passes up as he literally skips through the drill. He could not be less concerned with catching these rocket balls, and he actually does make it look easy.

Of course, this is exactly the worst thing about him. We know he's talented. He knows he's talented. And he can clearly do the work that needs doing. But he doesn't. At least, not always.